
Contractual terms
- Fitness is part of the Unions Chrétiennes de Genève (UCG) business line.
- Fitness is only accessible to those who have a subscription, i.e. the members of the UCG and the residents of the Foyer Georges Williams. The users of the FYtness are members of UCG and the membership fees is included in the subscription.
- The Fitness card is exclusive and not transferable. At each visit, the card must be left in at the appropriate place.
- The Fitness card allows owners to use the facilities during the opening hours.
- The non-use of the facilities does not under any circumstances allow you, to claim for any refunds or reductions. However, a period of non-attendance which is justified by a certificate (medical case, military service, or professional reasons) will be recovered. The duration of the absence in these cases mentioned above, will be added to the duration of the subscription
- Fitness reserves the right to close when necessary (e.g. repairs, maintenance, cleaning etc.)
- The UGC and their staff are not responsible for any damage suffered by the card holder as a result of accidents, injuries or illnesses, which occurred during inappropriate use of facilities.
- The UCG are not responsible for any loss or theft of personal items in the fitness.
- The rights resulting from this contract are not transmissible.
- The admission fee for the duration of the subscription selected is set in the contract. This amount is payable in cash upon signature of the contract
- On the expiry date, the deposit is refunded in return for the magnetic badge. If the badge is not returned within 6 months after the expiry date, the deposit is retained by to the UCG.
- The card holder takes cognizance of the internal regulations of the fitness and undertakes comply with them. Anyone who does not respect the regulations is liable to exclusion, without any compensation. The balance of the subscription is retained by the UCG.
- This contract is effective and binding upon signature.